The Value of Improving Insurance Quality: Evidence from Long-Run Medicaid Attrition (with Ajin Lee)
Journal of Health Economics, 2024, 94
The Behavioral Foundations of Default Effects: Theory and Evidence from Medicare Part D
With Zarek Brot-Goldberg, Tim Layton, and Adelina Wang, American Economic Review, 2023, 113: 2718-2758
Media Coverage: Commonwealth Fund
Private Versus Public Provision of Social Insurance: Evidence from Medicaid
With Tim Layton, Nicole Maestas, and Daniel Prinz, AEJ: Economic Policy, 2022, 14: 397-431
Media Coverage: NBER Digest, Brookings, VoxEU, CATO Institute
The Consequences of Health Care Privatization: Evidence from Medicare Advantage Exits
With Mark Duggan and Jon Gruber, AEJ: Economic Policy, 2018, 10: 153-186.
Media Coverage: New York Times, Academy Health, NBER Digest
Awards: 2019 NIHCM Finalist
Who Benefits When the Government Pays More? Pass-Through in the Medicare Advantage Program
With Mark Duggan and Amanda Starc, Journal of Public Economics, 2016, 141: 50-67.
Media Coverage: Los Angeles Times, Bloomberg, Modern Healthcare, Marginal Revolution, Knowledge at Wharton, Health Affairs Blog
Rationing Medicine Through Paperwork: Prior Authorization Restrictions in Medicare
With Zarek Brot-Goldberg, Sam Burn, and Tim Layton
American Economic Review, Revise and Resubmit
Media Coverage: Medscape, AEIdeas, Becker's ASC, Tradeoffs, WBEZ, Fortune
Privatizing Social Insurance: Medicare Advantage vs Traditional Medicare (with Scott Bilder, Zarek Brot-Goldberg, Barton Jones, Iman Mohammadi, Zulkarnain Pulungan, Yalun Su, and Christie Teigland)-Email for draft
Accompanying White Papers on MA vs TM: Enrollment Characteristics, Utilization, Quality, Plan Design Within MA
Media & Policy References: MedPAC March 2024 Report to Congress, Manchin-Romney Bipartisan US Senate Letter to CMS, 20+ Healthcare and Trade Journal Articles (see specifics here)
Medicaid vs Medicare: Evidence from Medicaid to Medicare Transitions at 65 (with Tim Layton, Nicole Maestas, Daniel Prinz, and Mark Shepard)
Media Coverage: NBER Bulletin
Estimating Variation in Productivity Across State Medicaid Programs: Evidence from Dual-Eligibles (with Tim Layton, Nicole Maestas, Daniel Prinz, and Mark Shepard)
Efficiency Gains Under Incomplete Contracting: Evidence from Medicaid
Comparing Expected Out-of-Pocket Costs in MA and FFS Medicare, 2014-2020
With Ben Ippolito and Erin Trish
Health Affairs Datawatch, Forthcoming
How Do Prescription Drug Benefits Differ Between Medicare Advantage and Stand-Alone Part D Plans?
With Ben Ippolito
AEI Economic Perspectives, 2024
The effect of Medicare Advantage growth on Part D competition, costs, and coverage
With Ben Ippolito
Health Affairs Forefront, 2023
How should policymakers respond to rising cost-sharing that often goes unpaid
With Ben Ippolito
Health Affairs Forefront, 2023
With Ken Cohen, et al.
JAMA Network Open, 2023